Sudhir Neerattupuram
Kejriwal is funded by American CIA’s Ford Foundation
Aravind Kejriwal’s NGO received donation from Ford Foundation. Kabir, run by Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia, key figures in AAP(Aam Aadmi Party), has received $400,000 from the Ford Foundation in the last three years.
Manish Sisodiya, founder of Kabir Trust promoting RTI for Transparency and Accountability gets $3,97,000 from Ford Foundation.

Yogendra Yadav is a former member of Sonia Gandhi led National Advisory Committee. He gets $3,50,000 from Ford Foundation. Professor at CSDS, is associated with the Centre's Lokniti and the
Yogendra Yadav |
Publics and Policies programme. Political Scientist, political activist, political animal..., Aam Aadmi Party candidate from Gurgaon, Haryana.
Ford Motor factory is by the side of Italian village where Sonia Gandhi born and live and still owned house there. Is this also one of the reasons for not uttering a single word by Kejriwal against Sonia Gandhi?
Prashant Bhushan |
Advt. Prashant Bhushan is a political partner of Arvind KejriwalJi. Prashant BhshanJi famous for filing PILs. Why shall a single PIL be not filed against Robert Vadra, son in law of Sonia Gandhi?
Prashant Bhushan is the supporter of anti-national/Islamic Terrorists in Kashmir.
Mentors of Arvind Kejriwal include former national advisory council members Aruna Roy and Harsh Mander who are considered close to Congress president Sonia Gandhi.
Harsh Mander |
Advt. Somnath Bharti (Delhi EX Law Minister, Indian lawyer practised at the Supreme Court of India and Delhi High Court who has become a politician representing the Aam Admi Party) was related to a company, Topsites LCC, operating a website involved in spam operations. There is documentary evidence to prove that the minister had at least three more companies operational in the US. These companies are My Directory LLC, Web's Biggest LLC and Media LLC. He ran a business on the web that many allege was "unethical" and operated in the "grey zone". His name is linked to a tech firm that spammed website owners and tried to make them pay for directory services they never solicited.
Medha Patkar is an Indian social activist and social reformer turned politician. Aam Aadmi Party, has
Manish Sisodiya |
announced her as party's candidate for North East, Mumbai for Loksabha elections 2014. She. has been blocking information under the RTI Act for her Jan Sahayog Trust, Mumbai where she happens to be the Chief Trustee. According to the NGO, a remittance letter of Patkar’s Jan Sahayog Trust shows the trust of having confirmed the receipt of Rs 17,27,108 ($ 60,000) from Right Lively Hood Award, Sweden. She
Advt. Somnath Bharti |
receives money and award from organisations run by White Christians. It is quite clear that some Indians have walked over to the opposite camp and begun to accept money from enemies of the race. These race traitors are abusing our democratic freedoms. If India was a monarchy, these people won’t have survived for long.
CIA’s Trojan Horse enters the Heart of India
One of the most important “private foundations” collaborating with the CIA over a significant span of time in major projects in the cultural Cold War is the Ford Foundation.
Numerous CIA “fronts” received major FF grants. Numerous supposedly “independent” CIA sponsored cultural organizations, human rights groups, artists and intellectuals received CIA/FF grants. One of the biggest donations of the FF was to the CIA organized Congress for Cultural Freedom which received $7 million by the early 1960s.
Medha Patkar |
“a seemingly limitless range of covert action programs affecting youth groups, labor unions, universities, publishing houses and other private institutions”. The latter included “human rights” groups beginning in the 1950s to the present.
The Ford Foundation, which completes six decades in India next year, provides a continuing flow of grants to institutions, think-tanks, civil society, and even farmer groups, to carry out research and advocacy work. The sums are not inconsequential—about $15 million (about Rs 70 crore) a year. And the recipients—320 grants, over the past four years—are the who’s who of civil society and advocacy groups in India.
Its representative, Steven Solnick, said the Foundation’s last installment to Kabir (an NGO run by Arvind
Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia) was in 2010. “Our first grant to the NGO was of $1,72,000 in 2005 ; the second was in 2008 of $1,97,000,”
Steven Solnick |
In reply to an RTI query that questioned the funding and expenditure of Kabir, the organisation has disclosed that they have received funds from the Ford Foundation (Rs 86,61,742), PRIA (Rs 2,37,035), Manjunath Shanmugam Trust (Rs 3,70,000), Dutch Embassy (Rs 19,61,968), Association for India’s Development (Rs 15,00,000), India’s friends Association (Rs 7,86,500), United Nationals Development Programme
(Rs12,52,742) while Rs 11,35,857 were collected from individual donations between 2007 to 2010.
AAP is a party of sleazeballs and anti-nationals: Subramanian Swamy
Senior BJP leader Subramanian Swamy has repeated his party's rhetoric on Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) - it is Congress' plan B. In a press conference in New Delhi, Swamy described Congress as AAP's de facto patron. Mentors of Arvind Kejriwal include former national advisory council members Aruna Roy and Harsh Mander who are considered close to Congress president Sonia Gandhi, said Swamy. "It is clear that Kejriwal is working in connivance with Congress," said Swamy, who merged his Janata party with the BJP in August. Subramanian Swamy. When asked if he had any proof to support his claim, Swamy said, "There can never be any proof of such things. From what we see on the ground, we can conclude that Kejriwal's party is working to attain the objectives of Congress party. "This is the first time in the run up to Delhi assembly polls that a BJP leader called a press conference focusing on AAP - an indication that it is taking the one year party seriously. However, Swamy said he was only warning people about the intentions of the AAP. "Kejriwal is a thief who is stealing BJP's agenda of highlighting corruption. If a thief enters your house, will you not take him seriously?" he said. About the AAP members, Swamy said, "He (Kejriwal) represents a motley crowd of anti nationals sleazeballs and financial manipulators." Manish Sisodia, former journalist and one of AAP's founder members espouses the cause of Maoists and Naxalite, said the BJP leader. Swamy also targeted Prashant Bhushan saying that he is a traitor who wants to hand over Kashmir to Pakistan. On various occasions, AAP has maintained that Bhushan's views on Kashmir are his personal and not party's stand. Less than a month away from Delhi assembly polls, BJP's state unit is combating factionalism. Last month, it witnessed a bitter fight over the naming of the chief ministerial candidate. The party is out of power in Delhi for 15 years. The emergence of AAP as a serious contender in Delhi assembly poll has added to the party' woes.
CORRUPT NEXUS BETWEEN AAM AADMI PARTY ( AAP ) & NAC ( National Advisory Council Of Congress ) ---- Organizers Of SCAMS Worth Rs 10 LAKH CRORES ] ---- Harsh Mander (Colleague Of Bhushan), NAC Member, Founding Member of ANHAD (NGO led by Shabnam Hashmi funded by CIA's Ford Foundation) ---- He's also the convener of the drafting committee for the Anti-Hindu Communal Violence Bill (Which holds Hindus Guilty Until Proven Innocent which is itself Against the Constitution Of India) ---- Harsh Mander with Prashant Bhushan is a Signatory to the Campaign to Save Terrorists Held In India ---- Mander & Kejriwal also supports the demand for REMOVAL of the AFSPA (Deployment Of Indian Armed Forces) from Kashmir, North-East India & Naxal Red Corridor ---- Harsh Manders' ANHAD & Kejriwal's KABEER (both Funded by CIA's FORD FOUDNATION & PAK ISI) -
Aruna Roy |
--- ARUNA ROY (Kejriwal's GURU & Mentor) is a hardcore NAXAL Supporter ---- Majority of Schemes (SCAMS) of UPA has been adviced by her ---- She had worked as CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY in Kolkata & North-East India & Naxal Corridor States (Naxal Brigade Private Army are Native Tribal Indians who were Converted to Christianity so, USA could Profit from Arms Sales & turn Indians agianst each other to fight among themselves - CIVIL WAR Profiteering ) ---- (Kejriwal is a Pseudo Crypto Christian Convert who in 1992, quit job at TATA steel & joined Mother Teresa’s Evangelical Missionaries of Charity in Kolkatta where he was brainwashed with Marxist Communist Ideologies for 3 years ) ---- Aruna Roy's achivement was MNREGA & Farmers Loan Waiver SCAM (which was very much ANTI-AGRICULTURE) ---- Kejriwal was NOT TRANSFERRED for 20 years under Direct Orders from Sonia Gandhi (NAC) ----- In 2005, Aruna Roy recommended Kejriwal to Sonia Gandhi for NAC, citing his work as Christian Missionary, Sonia Gandhi Adviced him to do ground work & propagate their COMMON SEPARATIST IDEOLOGY (Divide & Rule) ---- Convincing Indian Public for Repeal of AFSPA, Plebiscite in Kashmir & Naxal Red Corridor, Promoting RELIGIOUS CONVERSIONS, POSCO, Ban on Nuclear Plants (to bring POWER CRISIS in India) ---- People like Arundhati Roy, Medha Patkar, Aruna Roy, People From Indian English News Media Houses etc & many other Self-Proclaimed Pseudo Secular Intellectuals (Colonial Proxy Soldiers sitting in Indian Media & Academia to Destroy Traditional Native Indian Culture & Values & PROMOTE Western Values through Intellectual Terrorism & Mass Media Mind Manipulation which will PROFIT THE WEST) Dancing to the Tunes of their Foreign Masters who are FUNDING them Heavily (Vatican Conversion Lobby) are very much Communist Naxal Maoist Anti-National Elements whose Dangerous Agenda is to Divide, Separate, Split, Disintegrate & De-Stabilize INDIA at any Cost ---- NATION is being SUBVERTED in the Garb of Movement against Corruption & People are being MISLEAD by this Foreign Funded AAP Communist NGO Gang [ Biggest Threat To Our National Security, Unity & Integrity ] !!! (

Mr. Harsh Mander (Colleague of Bhushan), a former IAS officer and Action Aid India man, one of the founders of foreign funding to Shabnam Hashmi’s NGO ANHAD. Harsh Mander was a signatory to the campaign to save Afzal Guru, a terrorist convicted and later hanged for the 2001 Indian Parliament attack. Mander also supports the demand for removal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 from Kashmir and North-eastern states. Harsh is convener of the drafting committee for the Communal Violence (Prevention) bill. Harsh Mander applied for mercy to Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab courting a huge controversy. He heads NGO called “Aman Biradari”. He is founder member of Shabnam Hashmi led organization ANHAD. Mr. Mander’s another organization is ‘Centre for Equity Studies’(CES). This is a foreign funded (with partial funding from Christian organizations and church) NGO, headquartered in Delhi. We have obtained two-year data of foreign funding to Mander’s Centre for Equity Studies (CES). In year 2011-12, CES received Rs 7,55,17,631.25 foreign funding. American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin is another donor of CES this year with less than Rs 10 lakh donation. a Church. One NGO ‘ICCI and Kerkin Actie’ has donated around Rs 70 lakh in a year to Mr. Mander’s NGO for research, seminars and other activities. Kerkin Actie (in Dutch) means Church in Action. n two years Mr. Harsh Mander’s one NGO CES received Rs 123335139.36 fund from abroad.

People like Arundhati Roy, Medha Patkar, Aruna Roy, People From Indian English News Media Houses etc & many other Self-Proclaimed Pseudo Secular Intellectuals (Colonial Proxy Soldiers sitting in Indian Media & Academia to Destroy Traditional Native Indian Culture & Values & PROMOTE Western Values through Intellectual Terrorism & Mass Media Mind Manipulation which will PROFIT THE WEST) Dancing to the Tunes of their Foreign Masters who are FUNDING them Heavily (Vatican Conversion Lobby) are very much Communist Naxal Maoist Anti-National Elements whose Dangerous Agenda is to Divide, Separate, Split, Disintegrate & De-Stabilize INDIA at any Cost ---- NATION is being SUBVERTED in the Garb of Movement against Corruption & People are being MISLEAD by this Foreign Funded AAP Communist NGO Gang [Biggest Threat To Our National Security, Unity & Integrity ] !
India's destiny is DOOMED. Forward this to north south east west and to all corner of our country to create awareness of common man AAM ADMI..............BEING FOOLED BY AAP.......BUNCH OF JOKERS.
If anybody wants to save India from corrupted, foreign funded/minded/supported anti-national elements like Congress and their B-Team Aam Admi Party support the nationalist party Bharateeya Janata party for the raise of Bharat. MODI LAO DESH BACHAO…. AAP did not work against the real corruption India, because they want to save Sonia Congress for foreign countries like America. AAP leader Aravind Kejriwal betrayed the great Gandhiyan Anna Hazare. He tries to hijack the anti-corruption strike against Congress and save Sonia Gandhi. It proved in Delhi state election. When we get a chance to remove Congress raj from Delhi, AAP save Congress. He gets Congress support and Chief Ministership to avoid the rule of BJP. He tries to avoid BJP from ruling. Now, he clearly open-up his real face/mask/agenda i.e. the so called anti-corruption leader Aravind Kejriwal’s main opponent is BJP not nation looted corrupted Sonia Congress….!!!

The present supporters of AAP who are nationalist common people understood the anti-national agendas of AAP leadership to destroy our great nation’s culture, integrity, sovereignty, financial stability, national interests etc. If the young, ideal, broadminded youths & common people were support BJP, it will save Bharat from foreign financial/intellectual/cultural/religious/military slave. VANDEMATHARAM…!!!!